Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Criminals have declared war on our society

I live in Brunswick and this bright, sunny morning, I felt scared. Scared to leave the house, scared that my future would be tarnished with racism. The scene of Cronulla Beach in Sydney has become one that I have never seen in my life and a scene that scares me.

The whole issue revolves around what occurred between the two men and two lifesavers at Cronulla Beach December 5th. The fact that the two men happened to be Lebanese, I believe, should hold no relevance. But according to many Cronulla and Sydney inhabitants, apparently it's extremely relevant.

The news footage the media are showing are horrific. They show the immeasurable amount of vandalisation caused by the ignorance of all sectors of the Australian community. Anyone in and around Cronulla who look remotely Lebanese (that means middle eastern....even people who look Indian...actually, anyone not caucasian) are hunted down and bashed.

What horrifies me more is that many of the gang members look underage, clearly being around 17 years old and all under the influence of alcohol. These boys are running around with too much testosterone, seemingly without a clue of what they are doing, finding humour in picking up poles, beer bottles and bricks and hurling them at innocent bystanders, private property and even the police. Sporting slogans writtens across their chests.

"We grew here, you flew here!"

"Save 'Nulla, fuck Allah!"

It annoys me to hear John Howard claim that he believes Australia has no underlying race problem. He seems to worry more about the image of Australia in the eyes of the rest of the world, instead of worrring about the image of Australia in the eyes of his own tax paying citizens. Does he realise that while he is promoting the fact that Australia 'will have no long-term effect on it's international reputation', there are mothers and children who are terrified and fathers who feel helpless in their own neighbourhood? They can't leave their homes, in what is usually a quiet safe suburban street.

Does he understand the problem with 200 drunk, red-blooded, caucasian men screaming, 'Fuck off Lebs!', chasing one innocent young middle eastern man down a Sydney street, with the intention to severely injure or kill him? I'm not sure about you, but I see a race related issue right there.

A lot of people are inciting the violence. The Australian media are often victims of my attacks due to their manipulation of the Australian public, and I believe that such is the case once again. They're ever so happy to present images of men being bashed, women tearing each others hair out and gangs turning on police, all of which are repercussions of what happened on Cronulla Beach with the two men and the two lifesavers. It's not hard to realise that these gangs are intoxicated members of the public looking for a way to express their ignorance and intolerance. So, wouldn't education be the key?

My point is, since the events of December 5, the media has made no attempt to report whether or not the two men who attacked the two lifesavers have been caught, persecuted, hunted or charged. If they had been caught and punished, perhaps this violence wouldn't occur. The people who claim to be fighting for Australia, may not need to fight anymore.

All of this seems to stem from the media. And now, Today Tonight and A Current Affair dwell on the Lebanese and ethnic community members who are retaliating against the violence. The isolated events against caucasian members of the community. Inciting more hatred towards the minority groups from the uneducated and ignorent members of the community.

So Mr. Iemma, who are the real criminals who have declared war on our society and why are we letting them win?

I'm so angry right now.


  • dxxn. this post is a bit silly.

    it's not gonna happen in brunswick; brunswick and melbourne generally is nothing LIKE cronulla, which is like broadmeadows with a beach.

    you've got a community with high rates of unemployment, social rituals based invariably around alcohol, high rates of crime and soft drug use. they've never had the kind of education it took to inculcate multicultural ethics in melbourne.

    and they're ANGRY about certain failures of Lebanese youth in particular to adapt to cultural norms in Australia. the attack on the lifesavers was a catalyst but not the cause of the anger.

    the failures i've got in mind are (a) the spree of gang rape attacks on young Anglo-Australian teenage girls by a group of Lebanese brothers and cousins, one of whom explicitly cited his belief that the girls were promiscuous and therefore deserved it -- based on what they were wearing; and (b) the sexual harassment of young Anglo-Australian women on the beach at Cronulla by Muslim men, based again on what they're wearing, bikinis and so on.

    it has quietly become a really big issue in the social work sector -- there are constantly job ads seeking youth workers to educate young men from Horn of Africa communities about cultural norms about women.

    so yeah. i'm totally appalled and angered and disgusted by the riots at cronulla. but i don't think it'll happen in melbourne, i don't think you need feel any more fearful. i don't think it's fair or accurate to say that it's based on Australian ignorance and racism, without qualifying that statement in any way.

    i do think it's a fucking disgrace that Howard abandoned multiculturalism - and the riots are just the natural consequence of failing to plan for and handle a cultural clash like the one happening between white trash Australia and middle eastern and african immigrants.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, December 14, 2005 3:18:00 AM  

  • Thanks for your comments Daniel. I was just really upset at the images I saw. So many thoughts, so much anger, and not just from me.

    As for it not happening in Melbourne, I'm not so sure. A rumour has it, to stay away from the Highpoint area (I mean, you should stay away from that area in general, but what can you do - haha) due to possible 'showdowns'. Who knows.

    By Blogger Christopher, at Wednesday, December 14, 2005 9:04:00 PM  

  • It was never confirmed that there were attacks against lifesavers - it was hearsay picked up and ran with by the media and public in a circular fashion.

    There may have been attacks on lifesavers, there may not have; either way the cultural and iconic status of the lifesaver was of more than passing relevance to the facts.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Saturday, December 17, 2005 8:47:00 AM  

  • Who or what do you bow to? It is, otherwise, an excellent photo of you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Monday, December 19, 2005 5:13:00 AM  

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