Could I take your seat?
For once in my life, other than the implementation of tram conductors, I have finally witnessed what I believe is an effective method of ticket evasion deterrence. I like to call this method, 'Communication'.
In MetLink's latest idea to fight evaders (sounds like something out of Star Wars) they have decided to directly talk to evaders who are riding free on their trams. Large black signs with thick red type on them, direct evaders to how they should act if they are to continue fare evading.
Please huddle together at the back of the vehicle to avoid inconveniencing paying passengers."
If you're not paying for your ride then someone else is. Maybe you should find them, apologise and take them out for a nice dinner."
Please thank the paying passenger next to you. They have covered the cost of your journey. Maybe you should offer to mow their lawn."
Personally, they truely instill a feeling a guilt, large enough to force me to validate my already-validated ticket on the basis that 'maybe it didn't work last time I did it'... They're going to create a generation of passengers that not only pay for their ticket, but sit as close as they can to the validating machine, constantly re-validating their ticket, as they won't be able to cope with the guilt of not having it validated at least 30 seconds beforehand.
OnAir with BlackPunk: Missy Elliott - The CookBook [LP]
In MetLink's latest idea to fight evaders (sounds like something out of Star Wars) they have decided to directly talk to evaders who are riding free on their trams. Large black signs with thick red type on them, direct evaders to how they should act if they are to continue fare evading.
Please huddle together at the back of the vehicle to avoid inconveniencing paying passengers."
If you're not paying for your ride then someone else is. Maybe you should find them, apologise and take them out for a nice dinner."
Please thank the paying passenger next to you. They have covered the cost of your journey. Maybe you should offer to mow their lawn."
Personally, they truely instill a feeling a guilt, large enough to force me to validate my already-validated ticket on the basis that 'maybe it didn't work last time I did it'... They're going to create a generation of passengers that not only pay for their ticket, but sit as close as they can to the validating machine, constantly re-validating their ticket, as they won't be able to cope with the guilt of not having it validated at least 30 seconds beforehand.
OnAir with BlackPunk: Missy Elliott - The CookBook [LP]
Turns out I lied about not posting; weird, but looking this morning, I find I've actually been writing quite a bit. Maybe I've finally delegated blogging to an unconscious mental process so I'm not even aware of it! Don't be embarrassed by my latest rambling, it's only that, I think.
By Anonymous, at Sunday, July 24, 2005 12:36:00 AM
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